Sunday, September 16, 2012

transformation of me

da lama rasanya ak xmenulis kat sini...
bz ke??muahahhahahah
ckit2 laaa....
actually da dekat 2 bulan ak keja..
n da dkt 3 bln ak hbs blja...
planningnya lps hbs blja ak nk menulis entry psl hbs blja..
tp tgn xde mud nak menaik..kkk
n da dkt 2 bln gak laaa ak da beli keta...hehehhe
keta pe??saga flx je yg ak mmpu...
lgpon tu mmg one of my listed BF..muahahhaha
next trget rexton ke harrier ke...
tp tu kna tggu ak dpt gaji berpuluh2 ribu laaa...
as for now keta besa2 je laa...kkk
tu pon my parents bermurah hati byr duit muka...
1st month loan pon ayh ak byr lg...
tp ayh ak da psn next month sndri byr ye....hahhahaha
next month also my convocation day..
im anticipating that day :)
evn ak xdelaa excellent mana tp
im so grateful i can finish my study on time :) for now nothing to say...
nk p jln2 ngn membe2...

ooo smlm ak rsa mnysl sgt2 berperangai krg sopan..
org tnya bnda supposedly ak kna jwb ngn elok...
sian plak bla ak pk blk kat manusia tu...
hopefully i will not do the same mistake...
