Friday, May 25, 2012

family is my PRIORITY

da lama ak xbalik rumah....
da dekat dua bulan kot...catat sejarah dpt b'thn dgn life kat utm nie....hohoho
rindu bangat kat budak bwh nie...
da lama ak xkiss dia..hahahhahah
ak suka sgt2 cium budak nie before bangun tdo...
bau air liur basi tu yg best...hahahhahahahhahah

makin dekat due date submission design pnya project makin bnyk songehnya...
cam ak xdpt nak balik je..hohoho
pg nie bru berkesempatan nak b'jimba2 aftr 3 days spent my entire days with design...
tdo kul 6am bngun kul 9 am...da jd batwoman nmpk gayanya...
tp 3 hri tu je laaa...
nk buat camne last minute pnya keja...hahahhaha
xley nk slhkn org lain slhkn diri sendiri noooo....
level pressure mereka2 yg bt design nie ak assume da smpai mount everest peak...
prlu implement all types of controller nmpknya...

well tempiasnya ak da kena kn...
klu x xdenya ak ckp...
nak marah2 tu b'pada-pada laaa derrrr...
ak msg elok2 tnya....
lain laa klu ak msg kurang ajar bhsanya....
blom smpt ak nk bgtaw tujuan asal ak msg ang da marah2...
ak bknnya nk ko yg buat juz nk tnya details je...
xtaw laa kot2 biasa2 je ayt ang other meaning...
tp bg ak...there was sumthing wrong...
deep inside my heart (ececcecec)...SPEECHLESS!!!!!

so bear in mind ye NON ZAHIRA..
next time straight forward je klu nk tnya...xyah dok buat ucapan alu-aluan...
peringatan pd diri sendiri...
PATIENCE is very important in dealing with this matter...
be cool je if ad org marah2 jgn cepat kecik hati..
or NEVER MAD to others with no reason....

so actually till now i still kept this dissapointment (btol x ak eja...malas nk bukak oxford) feeling..
once ak da jd camni..take time to heal..

ak xtaw camne laaa my reaction bila ak da jumpa nanti...
please do not blame me if i will ignore when u speak, ask, text, etc to me....

i always thinking what if i do the same for others??
perasaan nk buat bnda2 yg org prnh buat dekat ak semakin berkobar-kobar...
if they can do why not me
i want they feel the same ways like me...

why i keep thinking about others rather than myself?????

COOL DOWN myself by staring this ice-cream..

kids.....i'm gonna come back home soon~~~~~

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