Friday, May 25, 2012

family is my PRIORITY

da lama ak xbalik rumah....
da dekat dua bulan kot...catat sejarah dpt b'thn dgn life kat utm nie....hohoho
rindu bangat kat budak bwh nie...
da lama ak xkiss dia..hahahhahah
ak suka sgt2 cium budak nie before bangun tdo...
bau air liur basi tu yg best...hahahhahahahhahah

makin dekat due date submission design pnya project makin bnyk songehnya...
cam ak xdpt nak balik je..hohoho
pg nie bru berkesempatan nak b'jimba2 aftr 3 days spent my entire days with design...
tdo kul 6am bngun kul 9 am...da jd batwoman nmpk gayanya...
tp 3 hri tu je laaa...
nk buat camne last minute pnya keja...hahahhaha
xley nk slhkn org lain slhkn diri sendiri noooo....
level pressure mereka2 yg bt design nie ak assume da smpai mount everest peak...
prlu implement all types of controller nmpknya...

well tempiasnya ak da kena kn...
klu x xdenya ak ckp...
nak marah2 tu b'pada-pada laaa derrrr...
ak msg elok2 tnya....
lain laa klu ak msg kurang ajar bhsanya....
blom smpt ak nk bgtaw tujuan asal ak msg ang da marah2...
ak bknnya nk ko yg buat juz nk tnya details je...
xtaw laa kot2 biasa2 je ayt ang other meaning...
tp bg ak...there was sumthing wrong...
deep inside my heart (ececcecec)...SPEECHLESS!!!!!

so bear in mind ye NON ZAHIRA..
next time straight forward je klu nk tnya...xyah dok buat ucapan alu-aluan...
peringatan pd diri sendiri...
PATIENCE is very important in dealing with this matter...
be cool je if ad org marah2 jgn cepat kecik hati..
or NEVER MAD to others with no reason....

so actually till now i still kept this dissapointment (btol x ak eja...malas nk bukak oxford) feeling..
once ak da jd camni..take time to heal..

ak xtaw camne laaa my reaction bila ak da jumpa nanti...
please do not blame me if i will ignore when u speak, ask, text, etc to me....

i always thinking what if i do the same for others??
perasaan nk buat bnda2 yg org prnh buat dekat ak semakin berkobar-kobar...
if they can do why not me
i want they feel the same ways like me...

why i keep thinking about others rather than myself?????

COOL DOWN myself by staring this ice-cream..

kids.....i'm gonna come back home soon~~~~~

Friday, May 18, 2012

18 May 2012

Date: 21 Jun 2011
Time: Any time

important mission at dat day...
muahahhahahahhahahhahahah (evil laugh)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

dari Dia kita dtg kepada Dia kita kembali

penat penat penat...
i juz came back from 'berpoya-poya'..
actually ak semamngnya malas nak balik...
tp bila pk je design part ak yg sgt sgt bnyk xsiap lg..
t'pksa mengagahkn diri balik gak..
i'm so tough indeed...
btw during my vacation i got bad news...
my childhood friend aka my best friend had lost his father..
my mother called me to inform the news..
well actually our house is quite close (before i moved to another kampung)...
becoz we were close friend..
so my mom knew her family..
when i 'berjalan-jalan' around pasir mas..i always met her late father..
n we always had little conversation when we met...
so when i heard the news...i was also sad...
bila ak fikir psl kematian...
seram sejuk rasanya....
i'm still 23...
but dat doesn't mean anything...
death can occur anytime..anywhere...
and only GOD know...
rasa cam ak bnyk buat salah je spnjg 23 thun ak bernafas..
amal ibadah cam kurang mencukupi je...
hopefully i'm strong enough to face
ujian dari Allah
sebab hanya Allah saje yg taw wut is the best for us...
i love my family so much~~~

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

9 May 2012


i'm already 23... year had been passed...
n know i'm getting older year by year...
can i stop the time??...
like HAHA did in running man....TIME CONTROLLER~~~kkk
as i'm already 23...
i think i need to think about my future now..
i will grad soon..Insya Allah...
hopefully i can get the job as soon as i finish my study..
it only left two month...
it is my dream to go to Mecca..
and i wish i can fullfill it this year..Insya Allah..
n i guess i can start find another part of me...
da one that will protect me..
da one that i will never tired seeing...
da one dat will accept my good and bad side of me..
da one dat will be my sheltered...
da one dat always ready to lend his hand to me..
da one dat.........more n more...
i really hope..i can find someone dat can guide me..

ok...dat all for today...
cam matured sgt je...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

subhanallah..thanks God for make me a woman~~

nie ak copy n paste dr fb yg mana membe ak post...
rite now i know da reason why each time ak nk marah sgt2 tba2 je ad air meleleh keluar dr mata..hahahhaha
actually it occurs only once in 4 years i'm in utm...
whose dat person?better i zip my lips laaa kan...
tme ak kat matrix..kat skul primary n secondary...
cam xde je...becoz i absolutely enjoy my life there..
but in UTM..also fun...
with a lot of friend surround me...i'm really grateful..
especially when i'm with my close buddies in utm...siti nur azah abd jalil n nur amiza mat tajuddin...heheheh
when i recall back how we met...
i will start laughing...especially da story i met with amimin@amiza....kkk
for four years we growth together...
perhhh...ayat xley bla laa kn...
ok..dat enough for now..
enjoy ur reading~~~


Malaikat menghadap Allah dan bertanya : "Ya Allah, mengapa memerlukan waktu untuk menciptakan wanita ini..?"

Allah menjawab :

"Apakah kamu memperhatikan seluruh keistimewaan dan seluruh sifat yang ada pada ciptaan-Ku ini? Ciptaan ini harus memiliki lebih dari 200 organ yang selalu bergerak agar bisa menjalankan semua tugasnya. Ciptaan ini kelak harus mampu melayani suaminya, menjaga harta keluarga dan menjadi ratu di rumah tinggalnya. Ciptaan ini kelak harus mampu membuat enak segala macam makanan yang dihidangkan. Dia harus kuat mengandung anak dan sanggup melahirkan berkali-kali. Dia harus memberikan cinta yang bisa menyembuhkan rasa sakit. Dia harus bisa melakukan segala sesuatu hanya dengan 2 tangannya."

Malaikat terkejut dan berkata : "Hanya dengan 2 tangan… 2 tangan! ini adalah hal yang mustahil..."

Allah terus melanjutkan ciptaan-Nya. lalu kepada malaikat, Allah berfirman :

"Tunggulah sampai besok aku akan menyelesaikan semuanya. tunggulah sebentar! Ciptaan ini akan segera selesai. Dia ini akan selalu dekat dengan Aku. Dia bisa menyembuhkan dirinya saat jatuh sakit. Dia bisa bekerja sepanjang hari dan malam.."

Malaikat mendekati wanita yang sudah tercipta dan memegangnya, lalu bertanya kepada Allah : "Ya Allah, Engkau jadikan wanita ini sangat lembut!"

Allah menjawab :

"Ya, sesungguhnya dia sangat lembut, tetapi Aku jadikan dia sangat kuat. Kamu tidak bisa menggambarkan sampai dimana kekuatannya, dia mampu menanggung beban dan menahan diri untuk bersabar."

Malaikat bertanya: "Apakah dia bisa berpikir?"

Allah menjawab :

"Tidak hanya berpikir, dia pandai mengambil hati dan pandai berbicara, dia bisa berdialog dan juga bisa berdebat."

Malaikat memegang pipi wanita itu dan merasa asing, kemudian bertanya kepada Allah :"Ya Allah mengapa pipinya ranum dan berkilau..?"

Allah menjawab :

"Pipi itu bukan semata ranum dan berkilau. Di situ tersimpan air mata dan di situ terletak banyak beban berat."

Malaikat bertanya : "Kenapa mengalirkan air mata?

Allah menjawab :

"Air mata adalah satu-satunya cara melepaskan beban. Mengalirnya air mata adalah cara untuk mengungkapkan kesedihan, ketidaksenangan, pengaduan, kekecewaan, cinta, kebencian, kerinduan, kesendirian, kebahagian dan segala macam rasa yang ada dalam dirinya..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Good Girl Bad Girl

klu da ak xsuka org tu sampai bila-bila ak xsuka..
tgk je rasa annoying..
even bt baik ke ak still rase #$%^
membe ak prnh ckp..
bley nmpk r klu ak xsuka seseorang..
ok..i admit it..
memang ak xdpt nk control or pretend suka bila ak da xsuka...
ak rasa ak nie bkn jns yg cepat dislike or like people around me...
dat y once i start to dislike them..
it will take a long time before i can change my perception towards them
i feel bad to both...especially myself...
camne laaa nak ubah bad habit ak nie..
Ya me...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

hOliDaY aT tIoMaN IsLaNd

pics speak better than

Power Girl

last friday...
because of tiredness i overslept..
bangun pagi biasa menuju ke lappy..
check mail..baca newspapers..check notifications fb..tweet tweet...
tba-tba t'igt assignment food..
dsebabkan kemalasan..g survey bilik member yg lain..
diorg pon xsiap gak..hehehe
so trus xde mood nk buat..hahahha
then t'igt selasa mggu nie cuti...
tp hri rabu ad test..
ok..not enough time to balik kampung...
so another alternative..
g jalan-jalan rumah my aunt kat kl..
xtaw sebab pe kaki ak nk sgt g jln-jln...
maybe nak hilang rasa penat bt PD kot..
xpon nk g survey laki-laki hensem kat sana...
i texted my cousin..
but she n her family still in penang...
so i decided to go to upm first..
to meet my buddies there..
it had been long time since we last met..
then i packed my stuffs..called a cab n told the driver to take me at 1.00 pm...
punya laa ak rushing siap-siap..
sekali org yg g solat jumaat already came back..
ak pula dgn setia n penuh kesabaran menunggu di luar blok..
while waiting..i saw some of utm student org da hbs baca khutbah n da habis rakaat pertama baru terhegeh-hegeh nak g masjid..
i hope one day they can change and be better Muslim..insya-Allah...
lastly i call taxi centre..n within 10 minutes a taxi already waited for me outside my block..
i kept blamed myself  for my mistakes called another taxi company..hohoho
at sri puteri..i met my friend who was ex-kmpp as well as budak aras ak kat matric dulu..
she asked me where i wanted to go..
then i said kl..
so she said "ooo..ko nak g join BERSIH laa nie"
i asked her abruptly "BERSIH?ko jgn kate dis weekend"
oittt zahira next time baca papers everyday...
baca kat bhgian nasional..xyah dok fokus kat hiburan n gosip je...
another mistake i made...
suddenly kiki messaged me "ko x g kls food ke?"
opppsss..i already in the bus....hahahhahaha
to go to serdang..i need to take ktm commuter from TBS..
dem...awat laa bus ak nie smpai time org balik keja..
weyh zahira..ang laa salah..yg ang g gatal beli tiket kul 3.00pm buat pe..
next time beli tiket pagi laaa nooo.....
almost one hour i waited for commuter..
ak nie kira lucky lg laa tggu sejam je...yg awl lg dr ak pon still dok menunggu...
diorg punya laa dok bebel..
i knew their feeling...well da laa penat keja..pastu penat menunggu train lg..
klu ak memang da lama ak g buat aduan kat ktm..
ak rasa da bnyk kali kot i faced dis same prob..
but i still grateful laaa... berjasa pd ak...
main transportation bila ak g kl..kkk
so ak da smpai agak lewat kat serdang lbey kurang 8.30 pm..
ak ajk syera g she said it already late...hohoho
2x ak dok bermalam bilik dia 2x gak dia xmau g..
xpe xpe next time ak g sendiri....hohoho
for breakfast i juz took a glass of bottle and a bottle of PEPSI..
so perut ak memang da kempis sangat..
singgah cafe n beli nasi kukus as well as juice orange..
thanx to syera for dat...
next time ak datang lg nooooo....hehehhehe
bngun pagi-pagi..siap siap nk g rumah my aunt...
perhhh....train dr tbs ke kl sentral full kot...
memang annoying laa kan...
da macam pe dlm train tu...
ak malas nak komen pasal mereka-mereka nie..
ak juz xpuas hati dgn keadaan ak je...
da laaa bwk brg bnyk..berat plak tu...t'pksa laa ak pikul..
nk letak kan takut nanti brg ak jd mangsa...
penat weyhhhhhhhhh....dgn x mkn n minum...xde energy derrrrrrrr...
ak plak cam jakun je...
sistem token yg dguna pakai punya pasal laa nie..
klu dlu ak beli je tiket kat kauter..skunk mana bley...
kna guna machine...nmpk sgt laaa ak nie bgai rusa msk kg (btol x peribahasa ak nie?)
lps je Masjid Jamek..trus keadaan dlm train tenang je...
smpai je rumah mak cik ak....ltak je beg trus ak g PWTC..
well i planned nk jumpa my bestie Pana here...
mak cik ak kate kat sini ad Pesta Buku paling besar kat Malaysia...
memang bear laa kan....ak juz g tngkt bwh je...
to b honest ak nie bkn ulat buku pon..hohoho
kat sini ak jumpa laa penulis novel Ain Maisarah kot...
pastu ad bnyk lg laa...dsbbkn ak nie bkn kaki novel..
so ak ignore je laaa kn..
while waited for my friend..
i saw someone...owh he was Jamal Abdillah...
btol-btol in front of me...xde org pon yg perasan except for me..
i stared at him many times..n he looked at me many times..
maybe disebabkan ak tgk dia dgn pelik tu yg dia dok tgk ak tu..
langsung ak x senyum pon...pastu dia n bodyguard trus blah cam tu je
zahira..senyum tu sedekah....
at last i met my old buddy..n her friend

we already be friend since first year...n we seldom met each other..
she already worked at Putrajaya..
so as a good friend i think it is good for me to "paw" my own friend...hehehehhe
sian plak kat dia nanti..duit tebal so berat beg...hahahhah
disebabkan da kebuluran...she treated me Aunty Anne..

sgt sgt laa sedap...disebabkan kat kelantan n jb xde..
so dis is da first time ak makan benda nie...
ak rase cam nk jilat-jilat je lebihan choc..
tp dsbbkn ad rase xmungkin laaa ak buat cam tu...
then we went to sungai wang..looking for teeeeetttttttttt...hehheheh
after that i followed them to their house....
wow daebak...seriously i like the environment of their house...
very also quite good
tempat org main golf...swimming pool...also available at this resident area...
ak yg first time dtg pon rasa puas hati je dgn suasana n facilities yg ad..
their house actually close to stadium bukit jalil..about 10 minutes i guess...
kitaorg balik coz nak ambik keta je..
nk g midvalley...becoz she promised me to treat me if i go to kl..
so as i already in kl...i quickly told her and without no mercy i remind her about the promise she made to me...
such a cruel friend i think..hehehhe
but she will always b my friend..
a friend that i will never forget...
a good friend to me..
oppsss...t'lbey suda...klu Pana tu bace kembang kempis hidung dia...

at dubu dubu seoul food midvalley

she said i could order everything i wanted..
i hit the jackpot i
new friend..i hope we can meet again next time :)

it already nite...
so we decided to go home...
next morning.....

here i am..oh yeah~~~

me n my cousins departed from house around 5.30am and arrived at Semenyih at 6.30 am..
hiking is one of my list to be done..
and broga was selected because of many reasons..
one of them is i do not need undergo any training..hahahhaha
so turun je dr keta..dgn b'semangat waja ak trus jalan cepat-cepat nak panjat bukit..
bajet nk tgk sunrise laa kan..
dgn bangganya we crossed people ahead us..
well we r young among them.. so stamina pon ok...hahahhahah
then...i started breath using my mouth...
already pancit...dem..
tu laa org besanya warming up dulu before hiking..
yg ak trus je g panjat..
terkejut beruk laaa kan muscle ak nie...hahahha
da laa xpernah bersukan...tup-tup g hiking...
even ak pancit...ak still mengagahkan diri panjat bukit..
malu wooooo...
budak-budak kecik yg primary skul pon mampu smpai puncak..
xkan ak nk stop halfway plak..
i set in my mind that i could do it..
yeah zahira...u could...
dis is wut u want so u must face any obstacles n hardship..
at last...

 nmpk cam semut je..geram ak tgk

was covered by "nur"

pe motif cousin pd cousin ak pakai jeans n sliper still mistery

opppsss...xsempat nk break laa plak...

i like dis view so much

me with da view i like

ak da smpai puncak korg kat blkg bila lg..hahahhaha

disebabkan ak yg paling tua dalam kalangan cousin ak yg join hiking nie..
so ak yg plg cepat letih..stamina kurang..hahahah
well older people cannot b compare with younger...
so diorg dok laaaa srh ak panjat cepat-cepat..
da laa ak xbawak backpack..
air n makanan ak ltk kat dlm beg cousin ak yg laki..hahahahhaha
padan muka...bajet cool sgt....kkk
well broga nie pe laa sgt for kaki-kaki hiking..
for beginner..
i am very proud with myself as i can fullfill one of my dream..
even it is broga...heheheh..
so this perhap will be first and last :)
alang-alang penat tu...
jom memenatkan lagi with shopping..makan-makan..jalan-jalan